
Hi there!

This page is an ongoing work in progress. I have tried to alphabetize by topic, but there is a lot of crossover, so you might want to scan through all topics to find what you need. I’ll be adding more books that I’ve already read, and will add new ones as I find or hear about them. Enjoy!

[PS. Disclosure: I need to inform folks that if you click through to Amazon from my book list here, and you buy the book, I get a commission. I do this book page to offer a great list of books that are very helpful, not to get rich. The commissions are very small (around 12 cents!) and I’m hoping it simply helps me offset the cost of the website. So I DO encourage you to help me out in that regard, but I needed to be up front about it. Thank you! Now buy a book!! 🙂 ]


Alcohol – Quit Drinking:

Anger Issues:

Anxiety – Adults:

Anxiety – Parents, Teens, Kids:


Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorders:




Depression – Adults:

Depression – Parents, Teens:


Exercise and Mental Health:

General Psychology:

Parenting – Adoption:

Parenting – Foster Care:

Parenting – General :

Personal Development:


Personality Disorders:

Pornography Issues:

Sexual Abuse Survival and Recovery:

Social Psychology:

Trauma Healing:

Trauma in Childhood: